put behind bars
英 [pʊt bɪˈhaɪnd bɑːz]
美 [pʊt bɪˈhaɪnd bɑːrz]
网络 关押; 关起来,监禁; 关起来
- lock up or confine, in or as in a jail
- The suspects were imprisoned without trial
- the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life
- This man can finger al capone, put him behind bars.
这个人可指证卡彭,使卡彭入狱。 - He shot a rare black antelope near Jodhpur because of that he was arrested and put behind the bars for about a week.
他打出了罕见的,因为附近的焦特布尔的,他被逮捕和背后的身陷囹圄黑羚羊大约一个星期。 - He was put behind the bars for the rest of his life.
他被关进监狱,要在铁窗下度过他的余生。 - If you continue to steal, you will end put behind bars.
如果你继续行窃,最终总要落得个坐牢的下场。 - The Judge will put him behind bars for at least five years. In British India, district commissioners had judicial powers.
法官最低限度也会判他坐五年牢。在过去的英属印度,地区长官有审判权。 - It's time a lot of football hooligans were put behind bars.
现在该是把很多足球流氓囚禁起来的时候了。 - Over the past year, senior executives and politicians have been put behind bars for suspected scams in the telecoms sector, the running of the Commonwealth Games, and illegal iron ore mining.
过去一年,多名印度公司高管和政府官员因涉嫌电信业欺诈、承办英联邦运动会(commonwealthgames)以及非法铁矿石采矿入狱。 - His father-in-law says he'll put him behind bars.
他的岳父说要送他进监狱。 - Anyone who violates the law may be put behind bars.
任何人犯法,就得坐牢。 - Judge will put him behind bars for at least two years.